My Camera Story and now being a Hero

My brother would make these amazing beach trips all over the Philippines. Boracay was his haven and his friends seem to make a pact to go there every summer and enjoy the sun, the sands and the blue waters with a bottle of booze in hand. You know the experience was amazing and he’d always have great pictures to match. He was using a Hero 3+ and the images to me we’re some kind of fish eye but without the circular frame. So after a few more trips of my own (I was borrowing his Hero 3 and was already practicing) I decided I needed my own GoPro to take reckless abandon shots with.


I was a long time DSLR Canon user back in college since photography classes required your own camera to experiment with. A dear friend and I we’re the first in the whole batch to buy digital cameras and it brought up a debate since the curriculum was still teaching us how to print film photos.

You’d think that after 3 solid years of using a professional DSRL you’d think you’ve had it all when it comes to taking photographs. After college, I started investing on camera equipment, buying studio lights and getting outside photography gigs to save up for more money. What do I buy with more money you ask? Furniture.

Yep. I was a room fixer-upper buff and was already thinking of stocking up so I need not worry about decorating my own house. Big dreams I know.

Now going back to photography, I stumbled upon the artsy film craze witch is Lomography and started hoarding expired films left and right. My emails were filled with retail therapy film cam updates and I was more than happy to discover the random shots I took and smiling when they turn out great.



So far I owned 9 cameras. Two were made digital while seven were in film. And just recently my collection has expanded to another digital action camera. My 10th and latest, The GoPro Hero 4 Silver. In no time I started using it in different places like on top of a mountain bike. I mounted this one on the handle bar which was’nt the most stable idea. But the shots were looking so awesome! You could check out the video test here:





Since the video was rocky, I bought a chest strap that worked wonders with stability plus the angle was amazing!

I made this yesterday morning :

GoPro has brought me into a new hobby and I just realized, once you appreciate still and moving visuals, you get to explore with it by any means enjoyable. Thanks for reading!

Shots taken with a Canon 450D. Special thanks to MKC Xtreme shop and MRG Trading for these spiffy GoPro accessories.

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