Oreo for the feet : Stylin’ with Jordan 4 Oreos

Styled shoes are hard to come by if you’re the type who goes to stores and expect that Nike offers nothing but runners and other sports apparel. I’ve been a fan of the brand since I started running a few years back so I’d never guess how happy I’d be to lay my eyes on the Jordan 4 Oreos.

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

As a low maintenance dresser, style was least of my worries. I’d be happy to slip on some black leggings and a decent top when I go around the mall. But these Jordans scream style and I knew I had to update a little bit of me before I head out to the movies the other day.

Okay, so it’s not much of a major upgrade. But I was comfortable and that’s what mattered. My good friend, despite her tiresome work schedule, happily took shots of the shoes while I did some colour tweaks on VSCOcam. It all turned out great! So for those gals who are looking for some sporty street-wear, I highly recommend these.

Shots were taken with a Camera 350D on prime and a Samsung Note 4. Thanks for checking!

Finn and Jake : Another fandom post

It’s pretty obvious at this point that I like Finn and Jake as much as anyone else out there. Though I ain’t one for the hardcore collecting, I’d rather cut out paper crafts, buy their books, and get minimalistic “room presence” for my fave cartoon heroes. I’ve taken shots of these so just I could admire them online on my blog as well. Just sharing the fandom.



Got this book as an early Christmas gift. I got it by surprise and was literally jumping up and down when I saw it! I was a very happy kid then!


My Finn paper toy. He’s just sitting by my book shelves looking awesome!




Jake on Finn’s head. Since the paper toys were designed with similar templates, you can stack them up…though I’m not sure anyone has tried it. It beats seeing them just sitting there.


Adventure time bag tags made by Kyut-O. Bought if off at a local anime store down at Greenbelt 1. That’s a dollar for each so I got 4 and placed them on almost all of the bag I use. haha! Fun!




Well that’s pretty much it! I have only these to be proud of but proud of non the less! It’s really appreciating what you have that truly counts. All photos are taken by me with a Canon 450D.

De-stressing with a Donut : New Portrait


Four months of intense photo editing and catalog designing, sitting down in one place and not getting enough sunlight can really exhaust you in some way. You don’t even know the details so I’ll spare you and just present the ever awesome shots Mona did for me to break away from all that work-tension. You see, I’ve been taking pictures for almost eight years now and I’m never really sure how to pose if I was the one in front of the camera with someone else shooting. We decided to make it look a bit more candid / raw type of shoot. We also took a donut break ( thank you Erica for bringing Krispy Kreme! ) and came out with these nice B&W snaps.








Taken by Monarica Mandapat with a Canon 350D. Post processed colors were done on Photoshop by me.

Dancing with Broken Bones

The garage at the side of Saguijo was a collection of little uneven rocks. Walking on heels was hard on it’s surface, but my dear friend seemed to manage. Cars were parked on every corner expect for the space were Sarah Gaugler, Paolo Peralta and Raimund Marasigan was standing. Sarah was waving, asking me to take shots as they thought about possible poses. I cannot recall much but one of the three jokingly suggested a jump shot.

With artists like them, their jump shots were rather different, more of like “pausing on dead space”. It was unique. It was still art.


Paolo, TruboGoth’s lead on guitars, drum beats, and electronic sampler, was pretty much used to all the hopping-about. His hair was bouncing off naturally unlike those on commercials. He seems to very much enjoying it since their live performance would sometime involved him going berserk, and jumping off the stage in unexplainable vigor. The truth is…that had always been my favorite part.


Sarah, the lead vocalist for TruboGoth, was a beautiful barbie, bending just right on the good angles. Her stare is blank, looking infinitely somewhere…but you’ll never really know what she is seeing, nor what she is thinking. She see’s the alternative world, something that is not of this time.


Raimund, the guy with that rock legend rep: drummer, vocalist and lyricist alongside former bandmate Ely Buendia of The Eraserheads, and the current keyboard/synths player for Pedicab, former rhythm guitarist and now frontman of Sandwich, current drummer of Cambio, (and yes all this on Wikipedia) is a favorite for his joints were exploding into different directions. He seems to be dancing, but all broken and in different places, like there is so much into his movements than just a part reacting. It was all of them.



Jump shot you say? More like dancing with broken bones. And the artsy, good kind too.

see more of Turbo Goth here: http://www.turbogothworld.com/

Similar article on Turbo Goth’s site: http://turbogothmusic.wordpress.com/2013/02/26/tgrm-turbo-goth-with-raymund-marasigan/

Photo creds by me. Post-prod edits by Sarah and me.

Cropped Top : Short Do preview

So me and a friend of 5 years were betting that last Sunday was finally our day for a cropped top, some coloring, and a much needed head pampering. A shaved side with that imbalanced of a semi-long mane. Definitely artsy. Here’s how fetch it looks in black and white. ( Kudos to the 90’s kids with our own set of terms! )


This was discussed as to how far we’re willing to go for a new look. My original plan was some bolder colors but with only a trim since I was growing out my hair. That did not happen.

Short was such a fad nowadays that you simply had to ride that bandwagon of hot chicks with awesome free spirited attitudes. It’s the 20th century, and gals have to re-invent to spike it up a notch. No more lazy daisies in white fluffy skirts and a top that spells out “Best in Faculty”. We have modernized from lace to leather, from being mostly soft-spoken to greater Independence, from house-bound to big careers. Yup, ladies now a days love to bring the money in. And what better way to show it than to at least look the part as well?

Also, happy to say that my friend won that bet.

The looks posted here were done only in preview. And that’s tying a small pony behind my back and making sure my hair rocked (and felt) shorter than the usual. At least now I know how it looks like on my face. The only question now is…in what color?



Rockin’ Rain

Military bottoms and rockin’ the top half, are my two fav combinations when wearing it tough. Awesome army footwear from Forever 21 can change from strong black leather to a fold-away plaid boot. My green shorts were nice hand me downs from mother. It’s metal buttons have rusted around from the many washings it took that the actual rust tint gave detail to it. Rugged.

Black and some heavy shade of liner, punk rock is back when I get a little of that music fan girl out. But of course, it’s not all bones, thugs and…well you know. A nice detailed cotton coat breaks that. It is after all, the season for umbrellas, raincoats and boots, anything to get that water out! Stylish and functional hey!