Pinoy’s represent! Proud street art!

There are a number of things I can say about the Philippines and us Filipinos when it comes to representing ourselves as a proud and free country.

Now this isn’t a serious piece for a noble prize. I don’t write that way. This isn’t comparable to a student’s winning paper. All expectations for this serious topic, you should diminish cause this is after all, only me on my feet, walking happily with camera on hand, and taking street snaps.


Talking about being proud, there is no one like Filipinos when it comes to hospitality. Our keen sense of finding positivity despite troubles, we joke around with the idea that our houses are 10 feet under water. Who says we can’t get resourceful and use refrigerator Styrofoam as a floating device or even a bathing bed?

The disposition to “show-teeth –and-dimples” have rained down on us. Literally taking it, we obviously weren’t wearing any raincoats nor using umbrellas at that time. We are Pinoy. And we are simply just happy people.

But when it comes to showing it…that’s a different matter.

I’m a comic book buff. I love all super heroes. But the only thing that seems a bit farfetched for me was Mr. Steve Rogers. Captain America.  Star spangled costume flashing for every citizen to see. A graphic rendition that embodies what America and it’s citizens stand for. Brave. Steadfast. Chin up high.  I get his overall idea, but I lack something here. It’s like just hearing but not listening. There is nothing much to it of course, but it may seem that our upbringing, not to mention out schools may lack a bit more “oomph” as compared to a country that actually designed a super hero based on their country’s flag. We may have our own set of local heroes, but we have yet popularized the idea that this is something we can make an icon off. There are some, but it is not as wide spread as what other countries may have.


One afternoon, I checked my phone. No load. I had an excuse to go outside. I smiled at the idea and brought my camera. Trusty ol’ canon 350D. The first big surprise that caught my eyes was this basket ball court. It was brightly coloured in red, blue and white. Not too far was the three point line. Although the sun was not panted on the base board, it was drawn in chalk on the pavement.


Whoever have done this have taken inspiration in his origins, in his nationality and is proud to show it through his street art. I’m glad there are still some people who think this way and express it nicely without making it look too hard.

Remember what I told you about us being simply smiley? Well seconds after shooting, a bunch of kids were calling my attention. They wanted to get their pictures taken! I watched as the bunch scrambled onto the court bleachers, trying to get in view.


Such sweet children. Their enthusiasm made my day. No, scratch that…it has made my week!

It made me look back to who we are. We may show it or not, but we are proud pinoys all the way!